One of the basic services provided by pharmacy department in hospital is the drug distribution system at the centralised in patient unit and satellite pharmacies. A Satellite Pharmacy refers to a decentralised operating unit which has similar function with the central inpatient pharmacy. Both provides specialised medication distribution services for hospitalised patients. The operation of the satellite pharmacies relies on administration, staffing, and drug procurement from the main inpatient pharmacy department and it usually do not offer direct services to the public. For examples, in large general hospitals, there might be up to 3 satellite pharmacies located at 3 different areas, known as Central Satellite Pharmacy, Satellite Pharmacy A and Satellite Pharmacy C. In general, these 3 satellite pharmacies are responsible to cater the medication supply needs of 33 wards altogether within the hospital. Central satellite Pharmacy, A and C responsible for 12 wards, 10 wards and 11 wards respectively. Drug distribution mechanism in the satellite pharmacy is mainly through two distinct method termed floor stock or the patient prescription system.
Advantages |
To reduce workload at the central inpatient unit. |
To reduce medication errors in drug supply to patients in ward during peak hours. |
To reduce storage at nursing facility. |
To improve drug inventory and achieve cost effective operations |
To dispense drugs to individual ward patients in an effective and timely manner. |
Expansion of pharmacy services |
Increased physician and nursing satisfaction |