Drug Distribution System
Floor stock system refers to a small pharmacy located at the nursing unit whereby nurse can have easy access to use these medications than rather than relying on the collection and process by the inpatient unit which may take a longer time. A pharmacist is usually responsible to restock the medications in the nursing unit and prepare the medicines based on the floor stock drug list and quantity predetermined for each ward. Medications are usually placed in the bulk containers at the drug room of the nursing unit. A nurse will be the person in-charge in preparing both oral and intravenous patient specific medications from their existing floor stock supply ready to be served. If the medications to be refilled is in not in the floor stock list, the nurse would request the medications from the respective satellite pharmacy or the main inpatient pharmacy. In general, in floor stock system, a pharmacist will not be able to process patient’s prescription or see the prescriber’s order. Pharmacist would restock the medications solely upon request from the nurse upon the floor stock list agreed upon both departments.